Investment Preferences
Recommend Portfolio(s)
Cost Basis Analysis
Our Detailed Process
- We utilize a combination of the top investment companies in the World to determine our recommendations on what percentage of each portfolio is allocated to each asset class. It’s a combination of assessing capital market assumptions and our knowledge of the markets to determine what we think will work best for each client.
- We pay for a portfolio management tool called Stock Rover that we use to track and monitor funds within asset classes. We typically use 5- or 10-year averages to determine which funds we are investing in. Because we are Independent, we pick from the universe of investments and select the most appropriate ones for you.
- We also use software to generate reports to help us examine the weighting of individual holdings within the portfolio. This includes how much of the entire portfolio is in a specific stock and the overall ratings of any fixed income investments (bonds).
- Every quarter, like clockwork, we rebalance every account and look for possible tax harvesting. We track any capital gain and losses for non-retirement accounts for the lifetime of our engagement. This helps us coordinate our efforts with your CPA and any future trading that needs to be done.
- We constantly monitor our portfolios and the markets. We lean heavily on our resources to ensure that our portfolios align with their overall objectives.